student resources

Need Help? We’re here for you!

Get Real-Time Help With Google Meet

Watch this YouTube video to learn how you to connect face-to-face with teachers. If you’re struggling, you’re not alone! You can contact any Raymond School staff member or student through Google Meet.

Using Google Meets With A Phone

Would you rather use your phone to call a teacher than to connect face-to-face through Google Meet? If so, watch this short YouTube video to show you how you can use your phone to call into a Google Meet.

Extra Help Request Form

Do you need help with your school work? Mrs. Ramon is here for you! Fill out this Google Form, and Mrs. Ramon will make arrangements to get you the help you need.

Counselor Contact Request Form

Distance Learning can be tough. Being stuck in the house can be tough. Let’s be real, life in general can be tough! Ms. Ward is here to help you during this time. Fill out the Counselor Contact Request Form and she will get in touch with you. You’re not alone! Ms. Ward wants to help you any way she can.

Having Trouble With Google Classroom?

Google Classroom Tutorial Video

Watch this YouTube video to learn more about accessing and navigating Google Classroom. This is a great starting point for students that haven’t used Google Classroom in the past.

Submitting Assignments

This YouTube video will give you step-by-step instructions on how to submit different types of posts and assignments in Google Classroom.

Need Help Using Google Drive?

How to Find Shared Google Docs in Drive

Are you having trouble finding documents your teacher or classmates have shared with you? If so, this short YouTube video will help you learn how to search for shared Docs in your Google Drive.