Reorganization Notice

It is the goal of our school board and administration to be transparent with our efforts, communications, and operations. With that transparency, there comes an increase in files, packets, agendas, and other important information. We are trying to find the best way to organize the documents and will be working to move all files in an organized and easy-to-find manner. WE ARE NOT REMOVING ANY FILES, BUT RATHER MOVING THEM.

There are three main folders that will be created: Past Agendas, Past Minutes, and Past Packets. The current month information will be located front and center on the webpage entitled "Meeting Minutes and Agendas". Thank you for your patience as we will be moving to this new look effective Monday, February 10th. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Mike Leach, Superintendent at 262-835-2929 ext 101 to discuss. 


Find current and past meeting minutes and agendas here.