Act 20
What is Act 20?
Act 20 (also known as The Right to Read Act) was passed by the Wisconsin legislature and signed into law by Governor Evers in July of 2023. This act includes a stronger focus on specific reading skills including phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. It provides for additional resources and support to children learn to read by the end of third grade.
Raymond's Early Literacy Remediation Plan
- Raymond School will screen all students K-3 three times a year with the state selected aimswebPlus Early Literacy Screeners.
- Students who score below the 25th percentile will be administered the Fastbridge earlyReading battery and/or CBMreading screener.
- Student who qualify will receive additional instruction either in the classroom or in a pull-out model using an intervention appropriate to their area of need. These may include UFLI (University of Florida Literacy Institude) Foundations, Sonday System, Rewards, or The Six Minute Solution.
- Student in intervention will be monitored weekly using the appropriate Fastbridge Curriculum Based Measurement.
- Parents will be notified of all screening and diagnostic results, as well as the creation of a Personal Reading Plan, if one is necessary.