What to Expect IF Raymond converted to Distance Learning

4K – 4th Grade Distance Learning

  • Content will be focused on reading, writing, and math. Science and social studies topics will be integrated into the three main content areas.

  • Homeroom teachers will use email as their primary source of communication with families. Parents/guardians should plan to check email on a daily basis to stay up-to-date with information, resources, and feedback on your child’s learning.

  • Google Classroom will be used as the primary learning tool for 3rd and 4th grade students.

  • Daily learning activities will be limited to 30 minutes or less per content area.

5th – 8th Grade Distance Learning

  • Google Classroom will be used as the primary learning tool for students. Teachers will use email as their primary source of communication with families.

  • Each content area teacher will operate a separate Google Classroom.

  • All students should check their school email account and log into all Google Classrooms every day. All lessons, activities, assignments, and information will be communicated through the Google Suite.

  • Parents/guardians should plan to check email, Skyward, and Google Classrooms on a daily basis to stay up-to-date with information, resources, and feedback on your child’s learning.

  • Daily lessons and assignments will be limited to 45 minutes or less per content area.

Stay Connected With Google!

Google Classroom Tutorial Video For Parents

This short tutorial video will help you understand how to access, navigate, and engage with your child’s Google Classroom. Connecting with Google Classroom is a great way to stay up-to-date with assignments.

Google Meet Tutorial Video Students and Parents

Google Meet is a great tool for collaboration during Distance Learning. Students can connect with teachers, parents, or classmates to get real-time help with assignments. Learn all about it here!

Using A Cell Phone To Call Into A Google Meet

If you don’t want the face-to-face interaction of Google Meet, there’s a call-in feature for you! Watch this tutorial video to learn how you can call into a Google Meet with your cell phone.

Helping Children Cope With COVID-19

School Counselor Contact Request Form

Mental health is a top priority, especially during uncertain times. Our School Counselor is available to support students and parents during this time. Please, fill out this Google Form to request a contact with Ms. Ward.

Talking to Kids about the Coronavirus Article

This article from the Child Mind Institute includes helpful advice for talking to your child about the Coronavirus epidemic. Keeping children informed can help ease anxiety and build healthy coping habits.

Talking to Children about COVID-19 Article

The National Association of School Psychologists outlines specific guidelines to help adults talk to children about COVID-19 without creating pan